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Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) was constituted in the year 2016, as an inter-institutional body under Pushpagiri Medical Society. The mandate of the IRB was to review and sanction research proposals which are submitted for external funding and multi-centric collaborative projects. The IRB has a mix of internal and external members, to ensure that the reviews are objective and without any form of bias. The body has representation from all institutions under Pushpagiri Medical Society, apart from legal expert, theologian and lay member. The IRB is headed Dr Harikumar B Nair, a prominent Ayurvedic physician and researcher, since its inception in 2016. The IRB of Pushpagiri has been recognised by the Central Drug Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO) through its letter no ECR/878/Inst/KL/2016/RR-19 and Department of Health Research (DHR) Registration No- EC/NEW/INST/2022/KL/0201 respectively.

The current members of the IRB are:

Sl.No Name of the Member Qualification Role/ Designation in Ethics Committee
1. Dr Harikumar B Nair Ayurvedic Physician & Researcher Chairperson
2. Dr Nebu George Thomas Professor, Pushpagiri College Of Dental Sciences Member Secretary
3. Dr. Nibu Verghese PhD (Plant Biotechnology) Scientific Member
4. Dr. Vikram Gowda MBBS ( MD – Physiology) Basic Medical Scientist
5. Dr Liya Roslin Joseph MBBS ( MD – Pharmacology) Basic Medical Scientist
6. Fr. Sibin Mathew Bachelor in Theology Theologian
7. Dr. T M Chary PhD Scientific Member
8. Mr. Lijo George B.Com Lay Person
9 Adv. Minu Mathews Advocate Legal Expert
10 Dr. Athulya G Asokan MD (General Medicine) Clinician
11 Dr. Rosin George Varghese Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine Scientific Member
12 Dr Ampadi A N Veterinary Officer, PIMS& RC Coordinator (Supporting staff)

The meetings of the IRB are held on second Thursdays of every alternate month. The proposals are to be submitted to the IRB Office, situated on the Pushpagiri Research Centre (6th Floor of Medical College building) before the end of the previous month, so that members will get adequate time to review it. The proposals have to be submitted on a prescribed format, with all accompanying documents and checklists. For more information, please contact

Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC)

The Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (IAEC) of Pushpagiri Medical College Sciences & Research Centre was constituted in the year 2008, as an inter-institutional body under CCSEA, Govt. of India. The IAEC is duly constituted as per the norms of the Govt. of India which mainly focuses on following:

  • Welfare cost to the animals
  • Ethical considerations
  • The proposed benefits which will be achieved
  • The social / community acceptability of the procedures
  • Ensuring compliance with the law
  • Monitoring the use of animals in the institution and ensuring that appropriate standards and procedures are adhered to
  • Scientific validity of projects

Institutional Animals Ethics committee include nine members who are from within and outside the institution as per the Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CCSEA) norms to ensure that the reviews are objective and without any form of bias. The registration of our establishment with CCSEA for the purpose of “Research for educational purpose on small animals” bears a registration number 602/PO/Re/S/02/CPCSEA renewed for 02/02/2021to 01/02/2026.

The current members of the IAEC are as follows:

Sl.No Name of the Member Qualification
1. Main Nominee Dr. Sachin J. Shenoy
2. Link Nominee Dr. Nishant Kumar Gupta
3. Socially Aware Nominee Dr. Sibi P. I.
4. Scientist from outside Institute Dr. G. Christopher
5. Biological Scientist (Chairperson) Dr. Vikram Gowda
6. Scientist In charge of Animal House Facility (Member Secretary) Dr. Nebu George Thomas
7. Scientist from different discipline Dr Yogesh Bharat Dalvi
8. Scientist from different biological discipline Under revision
9 Veterinarian Dr. Ampadi. A N

The meetings of the IAEC are held twice in a year. The proposals are to be submitted to the Chairman / scientist in charge & member secretary, one or two months before the commencement of the meeting so that the proposals can be circulated to link/ Scientist from outside Institute / Main nominee or all of them, so that they will get adequate time to review it. The proposals have to be submitted on a prescribed format, with all accompanying documents and checklists. For more information, please contact