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As a public health researcher, I explore the factors that affect health and wellbeing. Understanding the underlying causes of health inequities and creating possible strategies to solve them are the main goals of my work. My areas of interests in research fields are

Cancer Research: I am interested in studying Cancer Epidemiology: Analyzing the patterns of cancer occurrence within populations to identify risk factors especially among woman and develop preventive measures.
Also interested in conducting Cancer Screening: Developing and refining screening techniques to detect cancer at its earliest stages, when treatment is most effective.

My research is not confined to the laboratory. I work closely with communities, healthcare providers, and policymakers to translate research findings into actionable solutions. By combining rigorous scientific methods with real-world insights, I strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the world.

If you're passionate about making a difference in public health, come and join hands with us . Together, we can build a healthier future for everyone.

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Research Areas

  1. Health Promotion: I am interested to work on designing and implementing programs that empower individuals and communities to make healthy choices. This includes promoting healthy behaviors like physical activity, healthy eating, and stress management.
  2. Antimicrobial Resistance -Health Literacy and Communication: Developing effective communication strategies to educate the public about AMR and promote appropriate antibiotic use is one of my field of interests.
  3. Adolescent Health- Mental Health : I would like to work on Depression and anxiety, suicide prevention and substance abuse among adolescents. Depression and Anxiety: Understanding the prevalence, risk factors, and effective interventions for mental health disorders among adolescents. Suicide Prevention: Identifying early warning signs, developing prevention strategies, and improving access to mental health services. Substance Use: Examining the factors influencing substance use and developing evidence-based prevention and intervention programs.
  4. Tuberculosis - Iam also interested in Identifying High-Risk Populations for Tuberculosis, Identifying barriers to treatment adherence and developing strategies to improve patient outcomes, Developing and evaluating community-based interventions to prevent TB such as health education campaigns and social mobilization and Understanding the impact of stigma and discrimination on TB patients and developing strategies to reduce stigma