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As a public health researcher, I explore the factors that affect health and wellbeing. Understanding the underlying causes of health inequities and creating possible strategies to solve them are the main goals of my work. My areas of interests in research fields are

Cancer Research: I am interested in studying Cancer Epidemiology: Analyzing the patterns of cancer occurrence within populations to identify risk factors especially among woman and develop preventive measures.
Also interested in conducting Cancer Screening: Developing and refining screening techniques to detect cancer at its earliest stages, when treatment is most effective.

My research is not confined to the laboratory. I work closely with communities, healthcare providers, and policymakers to translate research findings into actionable solutions. By combining rigorous scientific methods with real-world insights, I strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities around the world.

If you're passionate about making a difference in public health, come and join hands with us . Together, we can build a healthier future for everyone.

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  1. Profiling of patients with acute coronary syndrome admitted to tertiary care centre during 2016-2022 and its association with Covid-19 pandemic”
    PI: Jithin Yesudas Co-PI: Dr. Betsy A Jose
  2. “Clinical and demographic profile of tuberculosis patients attending NTEP (National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme) clinic in a Peripheral Health Instituion (PHI) in South Kerala”
    PI: Dr. Sapna Meryl Mani Co-PI: Dr. Betsy A Jose

  1. Association Between Rotavirus Vaccine And Intussusception Among Patients Admitted In A Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital In South Kerala: Case Control Study
    PI: Selin Saju Co-PI: Dr. Betsy A Jose
  2. Comprehensive Screening and Action for Women in Kerala: CAN-Care
    PI: Dr. Nibu Varghese Co-PI: Dr. Betsy A Jose