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The Histopathology laboratory at Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre receives a wide range of specimens including small biopsies, core biopsies, and resection samples which are meticulously processed, reported, and stored for future reference.
We provide high-quality services as part of patient care and support cancer research.
Our laboratory maintains an extensive archive of paraffin-embedded tissue blocks, slides, and records allowing for retrospective analysis and research. We report around 800 malignancies per year. We also have a museum with a vast collection of carefully preserved specimens serving as a valuable resource for education and diagnostic reference.

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Research Articles
  • Bindu Kumari, Rebecca Mathews, G.Sulochana, Nisha Kurien, Reeba Mary Issac, Jessy M.M. Profile of thyroid lesions in thyroidectomy specimens received at a tertiary care centre. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2018; 7(12): 64-5.

  • Mathews R, Kumari B, Kurian N, MM J, Issac RM. Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid and Histologically Proven Associated Lesions. Saudi Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2019;4(4):321-24.

  • Issac RM, Saldanha P, Mathai JM, Mathews R, Kumari B, Chacko T. Potential role of BRCA1 protein expression as a prognostic tissue biomarker in breast carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and clinicopathologic study from South India. Oncology in Clinical Practice. 2021;17(5):205-11.

  • Issac RM, Saldanha P, Mathai JM, Mathews J, Mathews R, Kumari B, Chacko T. Histopathological characterization of carcinoma breast with BRCA1/2 sequence variation in a tertiary care center in Kerala, South India. Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ). 2022 Jan 1;6(1):117-21.

Review Articles
  • Reeba Mary Issac, Jessy M.M. Renal cell carcinoma - Histological subtypes, genetic basis, and prognostic factors: an overview. Pushpagiri Medical Journal. December 2011;3(1):63-8.

Conference Proceedings
  • Poster presentation on “Assessment of BRCA1 protein expression by immunohistochemistry in Carcinoma Breast patients from a tertiary care centre in Kerala” at KAPCON in Bengaluru.

  • Poster presentation on “Germline BRCA and non-BRCA gene mutation in female breast cancer patients attending a tertiary care centre in Kerala at International CME in Pathology, Goa 

  • Oral paper presentation on the topic “BRCA1 expression in Breast Cancer: A correlative study between Genetic screening and Immunohistochemistry” at World Congress on Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine 2021 in Bengaluru.

Case Reports
  • Issac RM, Oommen AM, Mathai JM. Crystalloids in salivary gland lesions. Journal of Cytology. 2014 Oct 1;31(4):194-5.

  • Panicker, Reshma M and Issac RM. Colonic ganglioneuromatous polyposis in a   6-year-old girl – A case report and review of literature. IP Journal of Diagnostic Pathology and Oncology 2021;6(4):325–327.