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Dr. Yogesh Bharat Dalvi
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Dr. Yogesh Bharat Dalvi



M.Sc., PhD

  • Molecular Biology
  • Phylogenetic studies
  • Toxicological studies in animals
  • Guided Bone Regeneration
  • Guided tissue regeneration
  • Evaluation of biological activities of Phytoceuticals (Antiinflammatory, antidiabetic, wound healing)

  1. Coordinator, Pushpagiri Research Centre, Thiruvalla 689101, Kerala from May 2016 till date.
  2. Scientist, Molecular Biology and Phytoceutical Research Lab, Pushpagiri Research Centre, Thiruvalla 689101, Kerala from July 2012 till date.
  3. Research Technician in Microbiology (Institute of Natural Science Massey University, Albany, Auckland NZ ) (IRD No 105-778-228) September 2010 to February 2011
  4. As a teacher for the subject Environmental Science for Second Year B.Sc. (Computer Science) for the academic year 2008–2009 College Name: –Pune Vidyarthi Griha’s College of Science, Shivdarshan, Pune–411009

  1. The white rot fungi Ganoderma applanatum (P.Karst) attenuates Alloxan induced hyperglycemia, oxidative stress and metabolic discrepancies in sprague dawley rats by Ruby Varghese, K. K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 26th Swadeshi Science Congress at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochifrom 7 – 9 November 2016 (Awarded:Best Oral Presentation).
  2. Effect of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma applanatum (P.karst) from kerala on oral glucose tolerance test in alloxan induced diabetic rats by Ruby Varghese, Vima, C.K.K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in Biovision-2015, Palakkad, Kerala held on 9th December, 2015. (Awarded: 2nd Prize Oral Presentation).
  3. Molecular mechanism of mitigation of cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity by Phellinus water alcohol extract by Amrutha K U, Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 7th National level paper presentation competition Biovision 2017 conducted by Department of Zoology, Mercy College, Palakkad on 30th January, 2017(Awarded: 2ndPrize Oral Presentation).
  4. In vitro anti – proliferative activity and gene expression of an aquatic PteridophyteSalviniamolesta Mitchell by Gini T. G, G. JeyaJyothi, Ruby Varghese, Johnvin Baby, Anoop N.L, Amrutha K U and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV” : “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH”, Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Kerala held on 8th July, 2016. (Awarded: Best Poster).
  5. Anticancer and antidiabetic activities of Ganoderma applanatum from southern parts of India by Ruby Varghese, Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in Kerala Science Congress held at University of Calicut from 28th to 30thJan 2016.( Awarded: Best Poster)
  6. Molecular characterisation and adjuvant therapeutical property of applanatum against anti-neoplastic drugs byRuby Varghese,Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in National Conference on Herbal Medicine, Current Strategies & Future Prospects, held at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, INDIA from 22nd to 24thDec 2015 (Awarded: Best Poster).