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Lab Introduction

The Molecular Biology and Phytoceutical Lab at Pushpagiri Research Centre, affiliated with the Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Kerala focuses research in the area of molecular biology, toxicity and cell culture. The lab provides practical knowledge of various molecular biology techniques to students and other researchers.

Dr. Ajay Krishnan U, currently serving as Scientist is the faculty of Molecular Biology and Phytoceutical Lab. Dr. Ajay earned his Master’s and Doctoral degree in Biochemistry from Annamalai University, Chidambaram. He is a recipient of ICMR Senior Research Fellowship. He is an accomplished researcher in the field of diabetes, obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cancer. He has also served as Research Associate in the Molecular Bioassay Laboratory, Institute of Advanced Virology, Thiruvananthapuram.

Our research focuses on screening various plant-derived compounds for their biological activities using in vitro and in vivo experimental models, thereby providing better understanding of the real efficacy and mechanism of these compounds in management of various diseases.


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Research Articles
  • Thomas NG, Dalvi YB*, Fijol N, Shilpa J, Unni R, Binsi PK, Varghese MG, Mathew AP, Anil S. Fish scale derived hydroxyapatite incorporated 3D printed PLA scaffold for bone tissue engineering. New Journal of Chemistry. 2024.

  • Prathibha PM, Thomas NG, Dalvi YB*, Varghese KG, Binsi PK, Zynudheen AA, Lekshmi M, Shilpa J, Sajith V, Sukumaran A. Fish scale–derived hydroxyapatite for alveolar ridge preservation. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 2024 Jul 1.

  • Anil S, Thomas NG, Chalisserry EP, Dalvi YB, Ramadoss R, Vellappally S. Isolation, Culture, and Characterization of Dental Pulp Stem Cells from Human Deciduous and Permanent Teeth. Journal of Visualized Experiments: Jove. 2024 May 17(207): e65767.

  • Kumar AS, Thomas NG, Dalvi YB, Rosemary MJ. Tailoring biodegradable elctrospun membrane for the potential treatment of periodontics: in vitro and in vivo evaluations. Materials Today Communications. 2024 Jun 29:109647.

  • Venugopalan, Vishnu Kalladathvalappil, Ajeeshkumar Kizhakkeppurath Kumaran, Ruby Varghese, Yogesh Bharat Dalvi, Sootawat Benjakul, Suseela Mathew, Ammanamveetil Abdulla Mohamed Hatha, and Niladri Sekhar Chatterjee. "Microencapsulated sardine Oil using vanillic acid grafted chitosan as wall material: Alleviating effect on streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia in rats." Pharmacological Research-Natural Products 4 (2024): 100076.

  • ur Rehman, Syed Raza, Asad Ullah, Robin Augustine, Yogesh B. Dalvi, Alap Ali Zahid, Nureddin Ashammakhi, Akhilesh K. Gaharwar, Khalid Al-Saad, Rashad Alfkey, and Anwarul Hasan. "Enhanced wound healing by nanoengineered hydrogel patch loaded with connective tissue growth factor." Materials Today Communications 40 (2024): 109825.

Review Articles
  • Varghese R., Vijay N., Dalvi Y.B. (2021) Magnetic Nanoparticles for Image-Guided Drug Delivery. In: Joshy K.S., Sabu T., Thakur V.K. (eds) Magnetic Nanoparticles. Gels Horizons: From Science to Smart Materials. Springer, Singapore.

  • Varghese R, Vijay N, Dalvi YB. Antiviral Polymers For Food Safety. Nanotechnology Platforms for Antiviral Challenges: Fundamentals, Applications and Advances. 2023 Feb 8:45.

  • Varghese R, Dalvi YB, Lochana P, Achinthya S, Somani BO, Karnaver P, Thomas NG, Rupesh S, Varghese N, Jayachandran VP. Physiochemical and Biomedical Properties of Hydrogels: From Fundamentals to Applications. Hydrogels and Nanogels-Applications in Medicine. 2024 Jan 5.

  • Varghese R, Dalvi YB, Lamrood PY, Shinde BP, Nair CK. Historical and current perspectives on therapeutic potential of higher basidiomycetes: an overview. 3 Biotech. 2019 Oct 1;9(10):362. Impact Factor: - 1.786.

  • Augustine R, Das S, Hasan A, Abdul Salam S, Augustine P, Dalvi YB, Varghese R, Primavera R, Yassine HM, Thakor AS, Kevadiya BD. Rapid Antibody-Based COVID-19 Mass Surveillance: Relevance, Challenges, and Prospects in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2020 Oct;9(10):3372. Impact Factor: - 3.303.

  • Kalva SN, Augustine R, Al Mamun A, Dalvi YB, Vijay N, Hasan A. Active agents loaded extracellular matrix mimetic electrospun membranes for wound healing applications. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology. 2021 Mar 29:102500. Impact factor: - 2.734.

  • John PS, John AM, Thomas V, Dalvi YB, Varghese R. Cholinergic stimulation of fracture healing: An animal study. Journal of Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States. 2022 Jan 1;19(1):24. Impact factor: NA.

  • Unni R, Reshmy R, Ramesh K, Mathew TJ, Abraham A, Dalvi YB, Sindhu R, Madhavan A, Binod P, Pandey A, Syed A. Ixora coccinea L.-A reliable source of nanocellulose for bio-adsorbent applications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023 Jun 1;239:124467. Impact factor: 8.025.

Book/Book Chapters
  • Sathian, A. , Vijay, N. , Joshy, K. , Dalvi, Y. B. , Mraiche, F. . Hydrogels: Smart Materials in Drug Delivery. In: Popa, L. , Ghica, M. V. , Dinu-Pirvu, C. , editors. Hydrogels - From Tradition to Innovative Platforms with Multiple Applications [Working Title] [Internet]. London: IntechOpen; 2022 [cited 2022 Dec 04]. Available from: doi: 10.5772/intechopen.104804

  • Varghese R, Binu N, Dalvi YB*. Biomedical Applications of Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon Nanotubes. 2022 Oct 6:61-80, “Carbon Nanotubes Functionalization and Potential Applications.” Series: AAP Research Notes on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Hard ISBN: 9781774638576. Pages: Approx. 335p w/index 

  • Binu N, Varghese R, Dalvi YB*. Magnetic Nanoparticles in Biomedical Applications. InModern Magnetic Materials 2023 Dec 1 (pp. 205-222). Apple Academic Press.( Available from:

  • Varghese R, Bharat Dalvi Y*, Lochana P, Achinthya S, Omprakash Somani B, Karnaver P, et al. Physiochemical and Biomedical Properties of Hydrogels: From Fundamentals to Applications [Internet]. Hydrogels and Nanogels - Applications in Medicine [Working Title]. IntechOpen; 2024. Available from:

  • Varghese R, Lochana P, Vijay N, Dalvi YB*. Microalgal and Fungal Biotechnology: A Path Forward in Assistance of the Sustainable Development Goals for the Management of Natural Resources. InBioresources and Bioprocess in Biotechnology for a Sustainable Future 2024 Apr 9 (pp. 93-107). Apple Academic Press.

  • Varghese R, Binu N, Dalvi YB*. Role of Biodegradable Polymeric Nanohydrogel in Bone Regeneration: An Engineering Conception. In Application of Engineering Principles and Practices In Biotechnology 2024 Sep 6 (pp. 107-120). Apple Academic Press.

  • Varghese, Ruby, Namitha Binu, and Yogesh B. Dalvi*. "Role of Biodegradable Polymeric Nanohydrogel in Bone Regeneration: An Engineering Conception." In Application of Engineering Principles and Practices In Biotechnology, pp. 107-120. Apple Academic Press, 2024.

Conference Proceedings
  • Posters in National Conference:

    1. In vitro anti-proliferative activity and gene expression of an aquatic Pteridophyte Salviniamolesta Mitchell by Gini T. G, G. JeyaJyothi, Ruby Varghese, Johnvin Baby, Anoop N.L, Amrutha K U and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV” : “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH”, Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Kerala held on 8th July, 2016. (Awarded: Best Poster).
    2. Molecular mechanism of mitigation of cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity by Phellinus water alcohol extract by Amrutha K U, Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV”: “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH” Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Keralaheld on 8th July, 2016.
    3. Anti - tumor effect of G.applanatum hydro-alcohlic extract on tumor – bearing animal byJohnvin Baby, Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV”: “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH”, Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Kerala held at 8th July, 2016.
    4. Molecular mechanism of anti - diabetic activity of Ganoderma in alloxan induced diabetic rats by AnoopN.L,Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV”: “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH” held at, Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Kerala 8th July, 2016.
    5. Molecular mechanism of cardio and hepatoprotection activity of Phellinus in murine model by MumthasN.L,Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in “Bioradiance-IV”: “RECENT ADVANCES IN CANCER DIAGNOSIS AND RESEARCH” Pushpagiri Research Centre PIMS&RC, Thiruvalla, Kerala held at 8th July, 2016.
    6. Anticancer and antidiabetic activities of Ganoderma applanatum from southern parts of India by Ruby Varghese, Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in Kerala Science Congress held at University of Calicut from 28th to 30th Jan 2016. (Awarded: Best Poster)
    7. Molecular characterisation and adjuvant therapeutical property of G. applanatum against anti-neoplastic drugs byRuby Varghese,Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in National Conference on Herbal Medicine, Current Strategies & Future Prospects, held at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, INDIA from 22nd to 24th Dec 2015 (Awarded: Best Poster).
    8. Nephroprotective activity of Ganoderma applanatum (P. karst) water – alcohol extract against Cisplatin induced NephrotoxicitybyRuby Varghese, Soumya Sebastian, Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in 25th Swadeshi Science Congress held at Kalady,Kerala from 15th – 18thDecember 2015
    9. Molecular Epidemiology Of Group A Rotavirus Strains From Hospitalized Children In Central Travancore by Sincy George, Jagan O.A., Atulphilip Varghese, SeemaOommen, Yogesh Dalvi, Ruby Varghese, Julian Joseph, Sushma Bai in National Conference on Frontier in diabetic research and treatment held at Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, 24th July 2015.
    10. Hepatoprotective nature of water–alcohol extract of Ganodermaapplanatum (GAWE) against acetaminophen (APAP) induced hepatotoxicity in mice by Ruby Varghese, Yogesh B. Dalvi and C. K. K. Nair in Kerala Science Congress held at Vijaya Camelot Convention Centre, Pathirapally, Alappuzha from 27th January - 1st February 2014.
    11. Prevalence of rotavirus- associated acute gastroenteritis hospitalizations among children: a pilot study from central travancore1pushpagiri by Jagan O. A., Sincy George, Atul Philip Varghese, SeemaOommen, Ruby Varghese, Yogesh Dalvi, Julian Joseph, Carol Sara Cherian, S. Sushama in Pedicon 2014, held at Thrissur
    12. Effect of Insulin and Ganoderma treatment over the gene expression of alpha- synuclein during Alloxan induced diabetes mellitus in rats by A. D. Edwin, C. K. Reshma, Ruby Varghese, Yogesh B. Dalvi and S. B. Kaimal in Swadeshi Science Congress held at Mahatma Gandhi university, Kottayam from 6 – 8th November 2013.
    13. Molecular systematics of the medicinal mushroom Phellinus and related genera inferred from data of ITS rDNA sequences by Varghese Nibu, Ruby Varghese, C. K. K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in National Symposium on Medicinal Mushroom held at Amala Cancer Research Centre, Thrissur, 24 - 25th January, 2013.
    14. Molecular systematics of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma from Kerala by Ruby Varghese, Varghese Nibu, C. K. K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in National Symposium on Medicinal Mushroom held at Amala Cancer Research Centre, Thrissur, 24th to 25th Jan 2013.
    15. The effect of Ganoderma species on Methecilin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.Ameri A., Dalvi Y.B., Vaidya J.G. Paper presented in National Conference on “Recent trends and Strategic Development in Biosciences” Waghire College Saswad 29th to 31st Dec 2008.
  • Posters in International Conference: 

    1. Chemical characterization and cardioprotective role of white rot fungus Ganoderma applanatum from South India, Kerala. Ruby Varghese, Zareen Khan, T. P. Ahammed Shabeer ,Vikram Gowda ,Yogesh Bharat Dalvi* in 2020 Bioradiance “Emerging Infectious Diseases” Conference  on 29th August 2020 (Awarded: Best Poster. First prize).
    2. Molecular Characterisation and Adjuvant Therapeutical Property of G. applanatum from Kerala by Ruby Varghese, Varghese Nibu, C.K.K. Nair and Y.B. Dalvi in 2015 NextGen Genomics, Biology, Bioinformatics and Technologies (NGBT) Conference 1st - 3rd October 2015, HICC, Hyderabad, India.
    3. Molecular systematics of the Medicinal Mushroom Ganoderma from Kerala, India using Internal Transcribe Spacer Region of rDNA by Ruby Varghese, Nibu Varghese, C.K.K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 3rd International Conference on Microbial Diversity “The Challenge of Complexity” at Perugia, Italy, October 27 - 29, 2015.
    4. Molecular systematics of the Medicinal Mushroom Phellinus from Kerala, India using Internal Transcribe Spacer Region of rDNA by Nibu Varghese, Yogesh B. Dalvi, Austen R. D. Ganley, Ruby Varghese, Prasad Lamrood, Nutan P. Malpathak, and Bharat P. Shinde in 3rd International Conference on Microbial Diversity “The Challenge of Complexity” at Perugia, Italy, October 27 - 29, 2015.
    5. Two novel clades of genus Ganoderma from Maharashtra, India. by Yogesh B. Dalvi, NibuVarghes, Austen R. D. Ganley, Ruby Varghese, Prasad Lamrood, Nutan P. Malpathak, and Bharat P. Shinde in 3rd International Conference on Microbial Diversity “The Challenge of Complexity” at Perugia, Italy, October 27 - 29, 2015.
    6. In Vitro Anti-Staphylococcal Activity of Some Selected Medicinal Mushrooms. Ameri A., Dalvi Y.B., Vaidya J.G. in 49th International annual conference of the Association Microbiologists of India held on 18th - 20th November at the University of Delhi, India.
    7. Molecular systematics of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma from India. Dalvi Y.B. and Ganley Symposium on Fungal and Yeast Cell Biology Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 29th - 30th November 2010.
    8. Molecular Characterization of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma from India. Dalvi Y.B. and Ganley NZMS & NZSBMB Joint Meeting at the University of Auckland New Zealand from 30 November to 3 December 2010.
    9. Molecular systematics of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma from India. Dalvi Y.B. and Ganley Symposium on Fungal and Yeast Cell Biology Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand 29th - 30th November 2010.
  • Oral Presentation in International and National Conference:

    1. The Plant Pathogenic Fungi Ganoderma applanatum (P.Karst) Mitigates Hyperglycemia, Oxidative Stress and Metabolic Discrepancies Inalloxan Induced Diabetic RatsbyRuby Varghese, C. K. K. Nair, and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 29th  Kerala Science Congress (29th KSC) at MarThoma  College, Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta from 28th to 30th January 2017.
    2. The white rot fungi Ganoderma applanatum (P.Karst) attenuates Alloxan induced hyperglycemia, oxidative stress and metabolic discrepancies in sprague dawley rats by Ruby Varghese, C. K. K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 26th Swadeshi Science Congress at Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochifrom 7 - 9 November 2016 (Awarded: Best Oral Presentation).
    3. Effect of medicinal mushroom Ganoderma applanatum (P.karst) from kerala on oral glucose tolerance test in alloxan induced diabetic rats by Ruby Varghese, Vima, C.K.K. Nair and Yogesh B. Dalvi in Biovision-2015, Palakkad, Kerala held on 9th December, 2015. (Awarded: 2nd Prize Oral Presentation).
    4. Molecular mechanism of mitigation of cisplatin induced nephrotoxicity by Phellinus water alcohol extract by Amrutha K U, Ruby Varghese and Yogesh B. Dalvi in 7th National level paper presentation competition Biovision 2017 conducted by Department of Zoology, Mercy College, Palakkad on 30th January, 2017 (Awarded: 2ndPrize Oral Presentation).
  • OYEDEJI, Adebola Omowunmi, JOSEPH, Rose Jacquilin Puthenpurackal, OLUWAFEMI, Samuel Oluwatobi, DALVI, Yogesh Bharat, THOMAS, Sabu. “Nano Poly (Lactic-Co-Glycolic) Acid Encapsulated Tinospora cordifolia and Uses Thereof”. Indian provisional patent application number IP-202321050944.

  • Anilkumar TV., Thomas NG., Pratheesh KV, Dalvi YB., Praveen KS, Varghese N, Lekshmi UN., Thomas B., A Process for The Fabrication of Multi-Layered Porcine Cholecystic Extracellular Matrix (CECM) For Tissue Engineering Applications Indian provisional patent application number IP-202341003820